
What is the API used for?

As a rule, all Lexeri functions have an API endpoint that you can use. This enables you to search for or create terms or change the termbase shares from external systems and much more.

Do you have specific ideas or are you uncertain about which endpoint to use and how? Write to us so that we can put our heads together.

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What is the API used for?

As a rule, all Lexeri functions have an API endpoint that you can use. This enables you to search for or create terms or change the termbase shares from external systems and much more.

Do you have specific ideas or  are you uncertain about which endpoint to use? Write to us so that we  can put our heads together.

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What is the API used for?

As a rule, all Lexeri functions have an API endpoint that you can use. This enables you to search for or create terms or change the termbase shares from external systems and much more.

Do you have specific ideas or  are you uncertain about which endpoint to use? Write to us so that we  can put our heads together.

Contact us


What is the API used for?

As a rule, all Lexeri functions have an API endpoint that you can use. This enables you to search for or create terms or change the termbase shares from external systems and much more.

Do you have specific ideas or  are you uncertain about which endpoint to use? Write to us so that we  can put our heads together.

Contact us

Live checks in texts

You can send texts to our live check endpoint if you need a live check, e.g. to validate entries in a form. Once the check is complete, you will be shown a list of found terms with their usage status. You will be able to see immediately whether the text contains prohibited terms.

Exporting termbases

APIs can be used to automate export creation. If a system requires a termbase export, the endpoint only needs the export format and languages to start the export. Once complete, you will receive the download URL for the export file via the endpoint of the export details.

Requests for new terminology

You can create term requests or query their status via the Lexeri API. This enables integration of the term request workflow into third-party systems, as well as term extraction from an external system.

Single sign-on & authorisation

Termbases are usually shared by our customers using single sign-on procedures such as SAML. Authentication and authorisation of your employees can also be controlled via the API if you prefer a custom solution.

Integration options

Lexeri’s REST API

The Lexeri REST API is free for all users. We would be happy to set up a sandbox database for you to test integrations with no risk.

To the API documentation

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Lexeri uses webhooks to alert external systems of changes in your terminology. You can configure a URL for certain activities, which Lexeri will load when certain activities occur. For example, you can trigger activities in external systems when new term entries have been created or a task completed.

Learn more in our Help Center

Just reach our to our developers.

Sandbox or personal communication?

Do you have any ideas about systems where terminology maintenance would be beneficial or where you would like to see a Lexeri function? We would be delighted to hear from you to discuss the options for implementing an integration.

Aside from providing solution-oriented advice, we can also create a sandbox termbase for you or check whether we can prioritise a few features on our roadmap to accommodate your needs. We look forward to hearing from you and discussing what we can do next.

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Continue reading

Automation & integration

Integrating Lexeri in GPTs & Microsoft Copilots

Lexeri integrates your terminology within cutting-edge generative AI tools. Whether you use OpenAI’s ChatGPTs or Microsoft’s Copilots, both systems are able to access Lexeri termbases and check or revise the generated texts.

Learn more

Continuous term checks in external systems

Your terminology is automatically integrated into your texts thanks to continuous exports and term checks in external systems. Lexeri can sync texts from code repositories or PIM systems and then check them continuously. You can therefore be confident that the correct terminology is always in use. No matter whether the texts or the terms have changed.

Learn more

Test Lexeri – simply and for free

Lexeri is the easy way to manage consistent corporate language throughout the organisation. Start your free 14-day trial now.

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Stefan Rohde, CTO

+49 (40) 6094 641 90

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